Caring for Your Trees
Lofty Heights Logging understands that ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ especially when it comes to trees. Not everyone stops to think that an Oak tree carried into the yard in a pot can in a few years grow to exceed 100’ in height and have a spread of 50’ or more. Not everyone is aware that if a tree isn’t given loving care, it’s leaders can compete with each other and develop into weak unions that destroy the beauty and health of the tree.
But, a person may ask, “What can I do if this tree is an integral part of the landscape or has sentimental value?” We will climb the tree and do a crown inspection. We may be able to install non-invasive bracing or steel rods to assist the tree when it comes under the heavy load of ice or a windy, summer thunderstorm. We will explain the long-term value and the immediate cost of the tree treatment. We know your property helps express who you are, and we are trained to see trees from a multi-year perspective.
Call us today to evaluate your trees to see what small things we can do today for your tree. It is our goal to prevent expensive and dangerous accidents with tree branches or trees falling and damaging your home or property. Lofty Heights Tree Care services the Hollidaysburg, and Altoona PA areas with our tree damage prevention services.